Each Diatonic Scale will have a different group of notes and a different arrangement and number of sharps or flats. The C Major Scale C D EF G A BC, we do not have any sharps or flats, called accidentals. the C diatonic scale is called the natural scale.
Each note of the scale is called a degree, and may be indicted by Arabic Numerals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. Each degree may also be indicted by Roman Numerals. The usage of Roman Numerals is common in chord theory studies. A capital Roman number indicates major chords. Small letters (i i) represents minor chords.
The Do Re Mi system of identifying scale degrees was developed as an educational aid in teaching vocalists to sing notes on pitch, Do, being the first note of a diatonic scale, the Tonic note.
The correct theoretcal name for each degree of the scale (Tonic, super Tonic, Mediant, Subdominant, dominat, submediant, Leading tone, Tonic, is commonly used in chord theory studies.
An interval is the distance between two tones.
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