Monday, February 16, 2009


The chords formed by harmonizing the diatonic scale in thirds are organized into two groups: primary chords, and secondary chords. Chords built on the Tonic (1), the Sub Dominant (4) and the Dominant (5), create a natural progression on major sounds and are called Primay Chords. Chords built on the second, third, sixth, and the seventh degree are minor chords called Secondary Chords.

TONIC (1) Chord may resolve to any chord.

SUPER TONIC (2) Chord may resolve to any chord except the Tonic

MEDIANT (3) chord may resolve to any chord except the Tonic or Dominant chord.

SUB-DOMINANT (4) chord may resolve to any chord

DOMINANT (5) chord may resolve to any chord except the super tonic or Leading tone.

SUB-MEDIANT (6) chord may resolve to any chord except the Tonic or the Leading tone

LEADING TONE (7) chord may resolve to any chord except the Super Tonic or the Sub-Dominant.

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